Friday, 29 July 2011

Discharge meeting and frogs.

Today was a very special day for all of us and Mummy and Daddy have been super excited about it. Today was the day of the discharge meeting. I've already been discharged from Liverpool Women's Hospital and was moved to Macclesfield. So I was excited about being discharged again to see where my next location would be. I couldn't bare not being a part of this meeting so I made sure I timed my feeds to perfection and sneaked into the meeting room attached to my mother's breast.
In this room was a lady from my doctor's surgery, two nurses who will visit me at home, a doctor and one of my special nurses. The conversation went a little like this.

"I don't think Felix is ready to come home yet"
"We need to wait for him to stop having bradycardias (low heart rates) and desats (low oxygen levels) for a longer period"
"Oh OK"
"Because of Felix's Chronic Lung Disease he is finding it hard to breathe"
"Chronic Lung Disease? Wait.....what's that?" (Mum and Dad looked at each other)
"It's when a baby requires Oxygen for a prolonged period"
"Ah OK"
"We'll keep him on a set-level of Oxygen for a few days and monitor his progress and will review every few days"
"So, when do you think he'll be able to come home?"
"How long is a piece of string?"
"I don't know."
"Maybe a few more weeks, maybe next week?"
"OK, we'll look forward to that."

The rest of the conversation talked about me coming home with oxygen, my brain, how I should stay clear of anyone with any illness (especially colds) and how cute I am. Meeting completed it was time to give my parents some better news.

Thursday is weigh-in day. On Sunday I almost, nearly, but not quite reached the six pound mark. I was five pounds and fourteen ounces. I knew that there was a lot riding on today's weigh-in. A static score like last week would make Doctors scratch their head and I'd be pumped full of vitamins, fortifiers and it would be another bit of not-so-good news for my parents. So today I made myself as big as possible and weighed in at ........ wait for it.....

Six pounds and four ounces!

I had pleased everybody, especially Mum and Dad. They had planned a little surprise for me for when my Nana returned from Portugal but they couldn't wait (serves them right for leaving me!) so dressed me in one of the special outfits they had been saving for this occasion.

This was from my Irish friend Karen and wouldn't you say she has impeccable taste.

We then had music and disco lighting provided by my American friend Jack from and his beautiful family.

I even had a little dance. 

Once the celebrations were over I had another eye test. The strange man reappeared and tested my eyes again. I was super brave and only cried a little bit and it was over before it had started. The Doctor said that my eyes were "Great" and that I no longer needed my eyes testing.

I'm pleased about that.

Felix x


  1. Loving the outfit Felix! And how super lovely to get your mini disco allll the way from America! You really are loved by many, little man :) big hugs xxx

  2. Wow get you, 6 pound 4 well done. Love your outfit, do you think I could get one? No I hear you say, you'll look like a silly sodium jus (Ask dad). Enjoy your new toy, its ace. See you very soon. Love you. X x x

  3. Oh bless, what a meeting. Doctors are so great. I was told Joseph had CLD in a very off handed way, and I was so devastated "what do you mean...disease?"

    However its a definition rather than a disease, they really should call it lung compromise of prematurity or something.

    Anyway, Joseph is two now and has better lungs than either of us, and no ongoing issues. The lungs repair as they grow.

    You are just so cute Felix!

  4. Sweetie pie Felix - how cute you look in that froggy outfit! And you're right, they better not have concluded the important meeting without mentioning your immense cuteness. As for the music toy, Jack LOVES LOVES LOVES his and it was his favorite for quite awhile.

    P.S. your parents may get slightly annoyed by excessive play of said music toy.


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