Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Felix Fashion Show - Episode One

I've been spoilt rotten by friends and family who have bought me so many wonderful clothes.

As I'm reliant on the big people to change me, I only get to wear new clothes when I've made my old ones dirty. So, I make sure I poo, pee or vomit on a regular basis. My favourite days are when I get changed lots and lots of times, it's so much fun seeing what new clothes I'm going to wear. Surprisingly, the big people don't think the same as me and often look concerned when I've got milk all over my clothes and bedsheets (I love new bedsheets too) It's easy enough to win them over though, once I'm in my new clothes all I have to do is be me. Lie back and strike a pose. 

Today, after considerable effort on my behalf, the nurses dressed me in my Tigger costume.

My Dad says it makes me look "Gangster" and as a result says embarrassing things like "Word UP Felix!"

Below I am sporting a rather ducky number, a new season 'Mothercare' I believe. I feel it accentuates my wonderful skin tone.

Everybody loves friends. Here I'm wearing 'Best Friends'. 

As you can see my new poses are aimed at the 'cutie' market. I'm not afraid of selling-out.

Here is my lounge wear, oversized to provide maximum comfort around the incubator, cot and arms.

Finally - I'll finish this weeks photoshoot with something snappy and smart.

I wear this for the weekly Ward Round, when having a good appearance is VERY important.

Felix Siam Hasler


  1. Very stylish, Felix! If I had to choose, my favorite would be the Tigger outfit. Too cute.

  2. What a lovely collection of outfits you have, you look so cute. Not so great that your daddy is saying embarrassing things like word up, next time screw your eyes up sooo tight and pretend to be asleep that might stop him. Keep getting stronger little dude. Love you. X x


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