Saturday, 16 July 2011

A word about these adverts

I'm not a huge fan of having adverts on my blog, they don't make it look particuarly pretty and often advertise random products. Saying that, I was curious to see whether it is possible to earn money blogging. When you lovely readers click on adverts I do actually generate some money. At present I have generated over £10 ($15, 500 thai-baht) this month.

I will donate any money I receive for this blog to Liverpool Women's Hospital Charity -

This charity helped us directly by providing us free accomodation whilst Felix was staying in Hosptial. Without this we would have had to commute over an hour to see him each day, unable to be next to him within a minutes notice.

"Our charity is helping parents to stay close to sick babies around the clock in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit by funding free accommodation to the tune of £15,000 per year.
Deaf patients are alerted to their crying babies thanks to charitable-funded vibrating mattresses.
We were able to buy a 'Retcam diagnostic machine, costing £16,000 which helps to diagnose and assess poor blood supply to the retinas of very premature babies."

We are planning on raising money for Kitty over the next few years through various events. If you would like to support this wonderful charity you can donate at our fundraising page or just click on a few adverts on our site.

Thank you!

Felix and Co.


  1. Hi.
    Have you thought about writing to your local MP - stating that you have to drive 1hr+ each day - to see Felix?


  2. There might be something wrong with your justgiving page. I've been trying to donate since last night but it's always say there is a temporary problem.

  3. I've tried the form and it appears to be working. Let me know if you still have troubles. Thanks, Rob.

  4. It's okay until I click on donate...

  5. It went through now after the 20th attempts hehe :)


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