Wednesday, 8 June 2011

A New Addition!

The Hasler family would like to welcome our newest member, Felix Siam Hasler!

Felix was born at 30 weeks, 2 month premature. In such a short space of time he has overcome lung, heart and blood issues and sadly as a result of all this trauma he has had some brain tissue damage. Felix however, isn't aware of this. All he is concerened about is when the nurses are going to take his temparature again. He really, really hates this, which is strange because all this entails is a normal thermometer under his armpit which in comparison to blood transfusions,injections or tubes being inserted into his lungs seems virtually pain free.

Felix will try and blog as often as he can but the nurses have a strict 'no blogging' policy in his incubator, so it will have to be when they are not looking.

Welcome Felix !

1 comment:

  1. Hi Felix. Welcome to the world and we wish you all the happiness for your future.
    You are a very strong little man and we are all very, very proud of you.
    Well, we will see you as soon as you are all ready for us noisy people. The kids can't wait to meet you and neither can I!!!!
    All our love, hugs and kisses
    Kez,Al,Sean,Taz,Jade and T.J.
    P.S Tell mummy and daddy well done!!!!


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