Sometimes I don't have to do anything to get it and sometimes I have to work hard for it. More than often once I have it I don't see it again but other times it re-appears, sometimes faster than it disappeared. It is wet and white, warm and smooth and tastes sweet and creamy. Can you guess what it is yet?
I'm so excited about milk I could talk about it all day. Milk, milk, milk. Even my parents and doctors talk about milk all day. My mum? Well she can even magic the stuff out of her big pillows for me. Milky milky milk. Most times I get it through a feeding tube straight into my belly and because everybody loves milk that much big people give me loads of the stuff, does this happen to anyone else or am I just the luckiest baby in the world? MILK!
After my tummy has been filled I can feel a bit full. No surprise really, then all kinds of funny things happen in my body and before I know it I can see my lovely milk again! Magical milk. It really is amazing stuff. Now, the times I have to actually work at getting my milk are the times which are hardest to tell you about. I remember opening my mouth and I remember getting pushed onto something a bit like a dummy, I recall sucking really hard but then, my memory goes blank....the next thing I remember is waking up and feeling hungry so I repeat the previous steps. I haven't really got a clue how long this last for, but it is sure comfortable.
My Dad gets a bit jealous when all this is happening, because all he can do is watch - he likes holding me too, but I've noticed Mummy is holding me much more recently. Thinking about it Daddy hasn't got those big pillow things, well not as big as mummy's, perhaps that's why.
I wrote my first song the other day, it is to the tune of "Food Glorious Food" from the 1968 musical adaptation of Charles Dicken's classic novel Oliver Twist.
Milk Glorious Milk - by Felix Siam Hasler.
Milk glorious milk!
It comes from my mummy.
It's smooth just like white silk
and fills up my tummy.
Just wish I could keep it down
Before my next feeding.
But rumbles from deep underground
Sends my milk streaming!
Hope you all have a glass of milk today .
Felix xx
Dad's comments - Felix is starting to breast feed but is finding keeping his full feeds down. He is meant to have 26ml every two hours but after a day of vomiting it all back up it has now been reduced to 13mls every one hour. This seems to please him much more and fingers crossed he'll keep it down. We now have lots of photos of Felix wearing different clothes as he is being changed very often! His breast feeding amazed everyone, although he is only sucking for a few seconds before getting tired he was only 33 weeks. Babies are meant to start around 34-35 weeks so it's pretty impressive. He's taking a break from this now until he can tolerate his 13ml feeds hourly. These hourly feeds have been expressed from Mummy. Who has now taken over 2/3 of the hosptials freezing storage.

I'm so excited about milk I could talk about it all day. Milk, milk, milk. Even my parents and doctors talk about milk all day. My mum? Well she can even magic the stuff out of her big pillows for me. Milky milky milk. Most times I get it through a feeding tube straight into my belly and because everybody loves milk that much big people give me loads of the stuff, does this happen to anyone else or am I just the luckiest baby in the world? MILK!
After my tummy has been filled I can feel a bit full. No surprise really, then all kinds of funny things happen in my body and before I know it I can see my lovely milk again! Magical milk. It really is amazing stuff. Now, the times I have to actually work at getting my milk are the times which are hardest to tell you about. I remember opening my mouth and I remember getting pushed onto something a bit like a dummy, I recall sucking really hard but then, my memory goes blank....the next thing I remember is waking up and feeling hungry so I repeat the previous steps. I haven't really got a clue how long this last for, but it is sure comfortable.

My Dad gets a bit jealous when all this is happening, because all he can do is watch - he likes holding me too, but I've noticed Mummy is holding me much more recently. Thinking about it Daddy hasn't got those big pillow things, well not as big as mummy's, perhaps that's why.
I wrote my first song the other day, it is to the tune of "Food Glorious Food" from the 1968 musical adaptation of Charles Dicken's classic novel Oliver Twist.
Milk Glorious Milk - by Felix Siam Hasler.
Milk glorious milk!
It comes from my mummy.
It's smooth just like white silk
and fills up my tummy.
Just wish I could keep it down
Before my next feeding.
But rumbles from deep underground
Sends my milk streaming!
Hope you all have a glass of milk today .
Felix xx
Dad's comments - Felix is starting to breast feed but is finding keeping his full feeds down. He is meant to have 26ml every two hours but after a day of vomiting it all back up it has now been reduced to 13mls every one hour. This seems to please him much more and fingers crossed he'll keep it down. We now have lots of photos of Felix wearing different clothes as he is being changed very often! His breast feeding amazed everyone, although he is only sucking for a few seconds before getting tired he was only 33 weeks. Babies are meant to start around 34-35 weeks so it's pretty impressive. He's taking a break from this now until he can tolerate his 13ml feeds hourly. These hourly feeds have been expressed from Mummy. Who has now taken over 2/3 of the hosptials freezing storage.

fantastic news guys! I know a lady in Macc who is an amazing breastfeeding counsellor and really lovely, so when you are back and if you need it I can give you her number - she is very experienced and she would give you amazing support if you need it :) Well done xxx
ReplyDeleteHey thanks Sally much appreciated!
ReplyDeleteWell done mummy for all the milk making and well done Felix for enjoying it. Your mummy has been a busy bee producing all that milk, you'll soon be a big strong boy when you get through that. Enjoying hearing all about how your doing your updates make me smile everyday. Keep on getting stronger little one love you. X x
ReplyDeleteCheers Jus, if you need any milk just let me know. Reene is asleep so I can just hook her up!
ReplyDeleteFantastic, i'll have 6 pints. It looks like reene could keep Tesco in stock with milk for months. Hehe. Also I have booked in reene for feeding anymore children I have in the future. X x