Monday, 20 June 2011

What a Perfect Day.

Well, I’m three weeks old today and it feels great. Life doesn’t get much better than this. For my birthday the doctors agreed to remove my CPAP, I now have my face back and I can open my eyes and actually see things again. They also decided that I was far too mature to be in the NICU, so I packed my suitcase (nappies) and set-off to High Dependency. My introduction to High Dependency wasn’t too great, some new man came and put lots of cold slime onto my belly and began prodding my with a white stick. To let him know I wasn’t impressed I screamed the entire time he was ‘examining’ me. Annoyingly, my parents liked this! Whose side are you guys on? I MAY sound cute. You MAY be excited about hearing my voice, but come on, a little help next time. I did open my eyes near the end of my ultra-sound, I stared the doctor in the eyes. I’ll remember those eyes. 

After this incident I was treated to my first cuddle in over a week, I got wrapped up in a blanket and was snuggled by my Mummy and Daddy. I felt wide awake and looked at both my parents, the same parents who laughed at me a minute a go. I stared into their eyes.. I’ll remember those eyes….Only joking! I forgave them and LOVED being cuddled by both of them. My cheek is still warm from all the kisses they gave me and my heart-rate has settled down. 

When I was put back into my incubator I was so much more relaxed than before and I just lay there looking around me, listening to all the sounds of the ward. I overheard a doctor is going to test me for infections later on, I know this is going to involve more blood taking, but as long as it’s not cold jelly I don’t really care.
Anything else to mention today? 

Oh yes! I’m now drinking 15ml of my mummy’s milk. This is getting increased by 2ml every 6 hours. When I reach 22ml I’ll be having full-feeds for my weight and if I keep that up, I’ll be able to stop having other liquids pumped into my veins.  I’m now 2.03kg / 4.47 pounds.

What a splendid day. I can already feel tomorrow is going to be even better. 

Love Felix x


  1. Go Felix! X

  2. What a beautiful picture! I heard from your daddy by 10 today saying you were having a good day and by the sounds of it, it just got better and better. Well done for all the yummy mummy milk your drinking, you'll be up and outta there in no time if you keep that up. You'll have to start making a list of doctors that make you cry and start plotting Hehe. Well I'm going now, off to child lock the windows, Layla actually climbed out of one whilst I was making tea, she must of been trying to escape cooking. Love you little dude. X x x

  3. Good to hear that you're getting bigger and better. x


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