Sunday, 19 June 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Well my first collaboration with another human being was successful. Yesterday, I managed to make a card for my Dad and passed it to my Mum so he could have a surprise when he woke up in the morning. I made it from a paper bag which the Nurses use as a waste bag for my incubator.  The card, I heard, was a huge success and my Dad was over the moon.

But this wasn't the end to my surprise.

Yesterday I overheard my parents talking outside my incubator. Dad whispered "Do you know what the best Father's Day present would be? For Felix to be taken off his ventilator" Mum nodded her head in agreement and added "and a poo". Well, those two things were certainly achievable if enough effort was put into them, besides I was kind of getting tired of having this ugly ventilator on my face. Like a Buddha, I concentrated hard on my breathing. In, out, in out. Until I was breathing without thinking. Just as I had planned the Doctors noticed my monitors and nodded in agreement. "Remove the Ventilator" they said.

Free face. Happy Dad. Did I ever tell you how handsome I look without anything attached to my face? Well, sadly you'll have to wait a little longer. In exchange for The Ventilator, I was given The Elephant Trunk (or CPAP as the big people call it). I can't tell you if it makes me look good, but BOY is it uncomfortable.

In the morning, I felt the Nurse change my nappy. She had a funny look on her face and started to wear plastic gloves. When my parents arrived they were VERY excited to see my Elephant Nose. Then I heard the Nurse say "He's just done a poo!".....Que predictable Daddy Dance! Boy was he happy, he even kept on interrupting the Doctors on their daily rounds with proud father sentiments "That's my boy! We asked for this and he gave us it" The doctors played along nicely with him.

In the afternoon I got the results back for my infection. Not sure if I have mentioned this before, but healthy babies have a CRP of 4 - mine skyrocketed to 189 before reducing down to 163. Today, it seems - probably after all this Father Day shenanigans, it's gone up again. This wasn't planned and it made my parents upset again and that makes me upset. So I cried. My parents like hearing me cry and I know they haven't heard me for a week, so it made them smile.

I'm now resting on my belly, Elephant Trunk on my nose and bubbling foam out of my mouth. I am super comfortable and look amazing (or so everyone says)

Happy Fathers Day!



  1. Woo woo well done you for all the things you have achieved today. I love the card you made for your dad, your parents have lots of lovely pics and things on the wall at home and yours will take pride of place. Continue to get better little fellow and we can't wait for cuddles. Love you. P.s your hats not pink anymore woo. X x x

  2. Woohooo!!!!! Yay for CPAP and Happy Father's Day!


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