Monday 27 October 2014

A family update.

It's been a very long time since I've updated my blog.

Things have been going swimmingly and I've been kept busy doing lots of other things.

I've started pre-school, can speak long sentences, run (very fast) and I now wear awesome glasses.

That's pretty much all the news you need to know right now.

Unless you want to know about my brother?

I won't bore you with all the small tedious details. I'll just stick a picture of him here. His name is Arthur and he is almost one.

He is pretty cool actually, so I may share a few more pictures.. 

Actually - Arthur is amazing. So here is a movie I made about him. 

Good bye everyone and see you soon!

Wednesday 6 June 2012

I'm One!

I'm officially, as of today - 373 days old! One year and six days. I should only really be 302 days old but don't remind my Mummy and Daddy or they may take my birthday presents back. Talking of birthdays, I had a little party. It was super fun and I got to eat lots of chocolate cake!

Things couldn't of got any better, until my nana decided I'd had enough. 

I soon forgave her though.

Over the last few months I've made a list of things I can do. I can now crawl.

 Sit up

 Eat solid food


  Laugh and clap


Babble, wave and say 'bye', amongst many other things...I used to give kisses on demand but I'm fed up with that now, there's only so much kissing I'm prepared to do.

In the last year I've been very busy. I had my Muslim ceremony.

 Was put into the Pillary for throwing away my Broccoli.

and I learnt how to fly. 

Sometimes, I sit on my Dad's knee and watch videos of when I was born. I looked very funny in my little incubator and I can't believe how small I was - tomorrow, I'm going back to Liverpool Women's Hospital to see all the wonderful nurses and doctors who helped me grow.

Thank you to everyone for supporting me whilst I was so small! 

Felix x

Saturday 5 November 2011

See ya later Oxygen!

I've been away for a while, I was released from my Oxygen leash and have been running wild ever since. It's literaly impossible for me to sit at my computer and type, there is too much to do, too many people to see and too many things to suck. Now my nasal chain has been removed there's no stopping me.

In the three weeks since I've been dining exclusivly on British air I've done a lot. Life has turned even more fabulous when I don't have to be connected to a tank all the time, why - now I get taken anywhere when my parents feel like it. The other day I was span around, thrown into the air, bench pressed and even went swimming!  I've also seen my Great Nana, Great Granpa, Great Auntie, Great-great Auntie, and more...I've visit parks, leisure centres, sensory rooms and have had a baby-massage.

I best get onto posting some photos before I get distracted. Here are some well due photos for you all.